Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Iphone and the park

Ok so it's winter here.  And we don't go to the park when it's rainy... especially with my one year old twins.

But haven't you read those facebook posts written to moms who are on their phones at the rkpa.  Shaming them, telling us that it's not ok to use our phones at the park.  And that we are most definitely ignoring our children....

I just want to say that it's ok to take out your phone at the park.  Maybe it's been a long.. LONG day.  And you fought to get to the park.  Getting your kids ready was a battle, getting all your stuff together and loading up in the car.  Maybe you haven't had any alone time all day!  Maybe you're husband has been out of town, and he just got out of his work meeting and texted you and it was the first time you've spoken to him all day!  Or, God forbid, you got sme bad news, and you took the kids to the park because it was the only way you could keep it together.

But you know what, what if you just want to look at your phone?  Does that really make you a bad mom?

I'm here to tell you that it doesn't.  Are they fed?  Are they clothed?  You're a good mom.  Don't let people shame you into thinking that it's not ok to take a few moments for yourself!  You are worth it!

Don't use it at the park, they say.

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